Tuesday 19 June 2012

VP2 set up

A couple of pictures of the Vantage Pro2 in place at the end of the garden.
The heavy wooden support pole is ex-telephone and the metal scaffold pole is about 6metres tall
I have a suspicion that high winds might bump the rain gauge enough to cause false tips, we shall see.
It might need to be mounted on its own pole alongside.

Though technically higher than it should be, being set at 4 feet within the garden would seem likely to give higher readings on sheltered sunny days and lower reading in mid-winter when the garden is often a frost pocket all day.

Edit: Strong winds seemed to be able to jiggle the rain bucket enough to cause a false reading, so I added a second pole for it,  isolating from the taller anemometer pole.
A little ugly but the other option of guy wires does not appeal.

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