Sunday, 31 January 2016

The indestructible Samsung NC10

The weather station netbook started missing uploads this morning which suggested it needed a reboot - it was last restarted in July and had logged well over 8 million bits of data since then.

All seemed well after reboot and some kind of forced Windows 7 update.
It did all take most of half an hour though!
It runs a disk monitoring software which should send an email if it's in trouble.
It also counts the hours it has been running and it's on 46,896 - about five years.

Having highlighted this I expect something will happen to it soon!
I have another old PC on W7 can step in at a moments notice, and it does daily backups online and to a memory stick so won't be a disaster - but could take a day or two to get everything up and running.

Trouble is after a lot of tinkering with the weather-display software during the first year or so I've  hardly touched it for years and it would require a bit of re-learning to set up on another PC.
Most of the settings can be transferred from the backup, I did actually move it to that PC then back again when the NC10 was updated from XP to W7.

When on XP it seemed to gradually choke up and slow down much quicker - and needed a reboot about once a month.
W7 must be much better at managing that side but still succumbs eventually.

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