Monday, 23 December 2024

New laptop time again

 I see the last time it was changed was August 2022 so not that long ago compared to the previous Samsung Netbook.
(the weather station) was running on a Toshiba laptop but it was not without problems.
It took about ten minutes if it had to reboot but the worst thing was having no battery power remaining at all if the power went off it just cut off and this often messed up the data.

I'd replaced the Toshiba as my main one with a much faster Dell refurb but that barely has enough capacity on its SSD for general use so decided to get a similar but newer refurb with more space.
So after 2 or 3 weeks getting that fully set up the older Dell was available to be used for WX station and running webcam and security cameras.

It mostly went quite smoothly. There is now about 5GB of stored data which took a while to transfer.
The only thing that needed manually setting up again was webcam uploads.
I wouldn't mind but I only had to make major changes there a couple of months ago but I'd forgotten one or two critical things to turn on and set up so it took a while.
All there now though.

I have a feeling the Dell SSD laptop will use less power running all the time though SSDs are known to just fail totally without warning.
Conventional hard drives are likely to start making funny noises giving you a crucial opportunity to back things up.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Unexpected technical problems

 Though not the most serious thing the web site uses various icons which automatically change if rain starts etc.
Some of these were custom ones I liked and somehow in Weather Display you could change the default ones to your own.
Or you used to be able to I think that might now be a premium feature in fact it might have been premium for a while but mine was happily using custom ones until one day a week ago when we had a brief trip out power cut due to wet snow on lines I think.
When it was all restarted the icons were default set and no amount of backtracking using stored settings file resolved it.
The default ones are OK but seemed crude compared to my nicer ones some I'd made myself.
However I now have quite a nice webcam. It was dirt cheap about £20 and that's uploading anyway so I set that as weather icon.
It doesn't show much at night, though if moon is out there is an image of sorts as it is quite good in low light.
That's on the main page only - if you go to internal pages it shows the 'current weather' icon from default set.

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Rain event 26-27th September 2024

 This was a classic North York Moors deluge with Low pressure settling into the southern North Sea introducing a strong NE wind carrying huge amounts of water in from the sea.
As this airmass hits the moors and is forced upwards it rained heavily for many hours.
At Westerdale we got off relatively lightly compared to near the coast.
My gauge counted over 50mm but I discovered due to leaves and other debris it had become blocked I estimate at least 10mm was not counted.

The river here was high but not outrageously high partly as it had been relatively dry for the month to that point.
The most severe flood for many years occurred on 30th October 2000 when at Castleton the Esk peaked at over 3.6metres this year it only reached about 3m briefly at 1am on 28th.

The next day improved considerable but there will still some blustery showers and much lower temperatures.

Further down the Esk fields by the river were severely flooded more so than for several years.
The coastal becks e.g. Loftus and Roxby all went very high too.

Photos me/Harry Scott/castleton facebook/